Welcome to A-Z Ortho
A-Z Ortho is the pre-owned equipment division of MPR Orthopedics, a seller and manufacturer of quality orthopaedic products since 1965. Products shown here are only a fraction of our extensive inventory, we carry items from Ace to Zimmer and every company in between - including Synthes, DePuy, Howmedica, Smith & Nephew, Stryker, and more. If you don't see what you're looking for, it's very possible that we have it on our shelves. Please email us to discuss your specific needs.
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- Synthes (8497)
- Pre-owned Holders / Positioners (93)
- Implants (199)
Ortho Instruments (2127)
- Awls (24)
- Calipers (3)
- Cannulas (22)
- Chisels (21)
- Clamps (35)
- Curettes (30)
- Cutters (28)
- Dilators (6)
- Distractors (8)
- Drill Bits (138)
- Drivers/Inserters (92)
- Elevators (45)
- Extractors (68)
- Forceps (122)
- Gauges/Measuring Devices (38)
- Gouges (28)
- Guides (152)
- Guide Wires (24)
- Hooks (28)
- Impactors (30)
- Mallets (25)
- Obturators/Trocars (33)
- Organization & Storage (46)
- Osteotomes (61)
- Pliers (27)
- Probes (12)
- Punches (38)
- Rasps/Files (31)
- Reamers (45)
- Retractors (326)
- Rongeurs (32)
- Rush Instruments (8)
- Screwdrivers (82)
- Scissors (15)
- Skids (6)
- Slap Hammers (15)
- Spreaders (15)
- Suture Instruments (14)
- Tensioners/Tighteners (18)
- Tamps (8)
- Taps (39)
- Trephines (22)
- Wrenches (32)
- Other (232)
- Instrument Sets (433)
- Spinal Products (120)
- Pre-Owned Tourniquet Systems (38)
- Power Equipment (113)
- Single Use Items (5)
- Dermatomes / Meshgrafters (12)
- Other Surgical (98)
- Abbreviated Listings (84564)